Becca Bear Becca Bear

You Learn Bit by Bit, or Is it Byte by Byte?

I think that one of the hardest things about learning a new skill in an entirely new discipline is the sheer amount of vocabulary you have to master just to begin understanding the concepts. It can feel extremely overwhelming. Especially once you start talking with experts in the field. Imposter syndrome takes over, your insecurities are more pronounced than ever, and you feel like this is something you’re never going to master. Ever.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear


Today I turn 30. Wow. What a birthday. I feel old and young at the same time. 30 long years on this Earth. But also so incredibly short.

When I look back on the last 30 years of my life, it’s a kind of mod podge of various hobbies and interests, experiences I wish I could relive, and others I’d rather forget. But I guess that’s the point of life, right? Life is full of…

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