A New Challenge

Hey friends. Quick update on Space Cats Mobile. Right now I’m trying to fix some performance settings as I get ready to ship it to the App Store. Sorry for the delay but Space Cats Mobile is coming! Once I get everything finalized I just have to wait for Apple’s approval process and then you can download and play it on your phone 🥰 There’s two new characters so that’ll be fun too.

Also, I’ve officially declared the Space Cats Steam release a success! Over 100 people have downloaded my game (without me doing any sort of marketing) and it’s been so satisfying watching something I made bring happiness and enjoyment to someone else. (Also I know the game is so simple but I’m super proud of my little game 😂)

As far as my next project, I’m so excited to start working on it. It’s gonna be a new game and this past week I’ve been working on concept art, gameplay, and build strategy. I’ve been thinking about trying out Godot for this one since I’ve now spent time in both Unity and Unreal (I’ve also dabbled in Game Maker Studio). Since it’s going to be another 2D game, I figure I don’t need the extra bloat that comes with Unity and Unreal. Plus, I’d really like to try out Godot to see how I like it. I’ve heard it’s more friendly toward indies so we shall see.

As I built Space Cats, I learned important lessons about building a game that scales well and also writing code in such a way that you can reuse a bunch of it. I ran into some problems with Space Cats where I realized I hadn’t made a lot of generalized code that could be tailored easily for specific use cases. Because of that, it was hard to add more features etc etc. This time around, I want to be much more organized and build the game in a way that allows for more scalability (features) without having to rewrite a bunch of code and/or make a lot of duct tape patches.

One example of this is with my Catnip power-up. Originally I had planned for there to be multiple power-ups with various abilities. However, once I built Catnip, I realized that I had written the code in such a way that I would either have to write a ton of new repeated code or I’d have to refactor the Catnip code in such a way that parts of it could be reused. This is not ideal lol.

So this time around, I want to be more organized and write better code lol.

Anyway, I hope you guys are having an amazing week! Stay tuned for more updates and in the meantime, I’ll give you a little hint about what my next game is gonna be about…🔴🌎


Every Gamer’s Beginning


To Do…