
Okay friends. I have a confession to make: I’ve been procrastinating diving into Martian Alchemist (the code part) because I’ve been dreading learning Godot. I know, I know, I said I already learned it. Well, by “learning Godot” what I actually meant was that I downloaded it and watched a few little YouTube videos about it lol… I hadn’t actually built anything in it yet. Why don’t I just make MA in Unity? Well, there’s a lot of reasons why I don’t want to use Unity for this project but the major reason is that there’s literally no reason why I should use Unity. I don’t need the 3D features. I don’t need the massive multiplayer capabilities. I’m not publishing to consoles. And most importantly, I’m still green. I don’t have 10+ years working in Unity so there’s really nothing for me to lose. The only reason why I chose Unity in the first place was because it seemed like a good choice at the time when I thought that I was going to go work for a studio.

Anyway, I digress.

I’ve been dreading opening up Godot simply because I felt lazy and I didn’t want to spend time learning the new structure. But the problem was that because I didn’t know how Godot worked, I was having a hard time visualizing how I would actually build MA. I’m not sure if this makes any sense at all but I was having a hard time understanding how to build the individual levels and then connect them to each other in the game etc. etc. I can visualize how to do that in Unity but I can’t in Godot. Because I don’t know Godot. And because I don’t know it, I can’t think about how to structure the project. And because I don’t have any structure, I am scared to start and then mess up and make mistakes and then end up taking way longer than I had originally hoped. I know that the mistakes and delays are inevitable, but I just really want to get this right. Ultimately, I know that the only solution to my problems is to just code.

So to help me with my paralysis, I decided to just build a VERY simple game in Godot in less than a day. It’s not polished; it’s not refined. But I did finish a game! (I mean I followed a tutorial but hey, progress 😏)

Here’s my version of Snake! Originally I was going to do a more aesthetically pleasing snake but I decided that this wasn’t really the purpose of this exercise. I just needed to build something simple and complete. I ended up using GDScript (Godot’s native language) instead of C# and it was relatively easy to pick up. I still prefer the way C# looks and reads though. Here’s my main game logic from my Snake game so you can see what GDScript looks like.

Anyway, I’m really glad I forced myself to build and finish something because it really energized me to start working on and building MA. I have the design doc almost fully written out and I’ve been brainstorming on the art direction. Most importantly, though, I can now start to visualize how I’m actually going to structure it and build it.

As I write this, I’m listening to a soundtrack I found on YouTube that is providing inspiration for the vibe of MA. Guys. I’m so excited for this game. If I can successfully execute on what I have envisioned and imagined, I’m going to be so happy and so proud of my work. Next week, I’ll have a lot more time to actually work on MA so I hope to show you some MA code!!!

Since I do want to leave you with something that I’ve actually worked on in MA, here’s a list of all the people you can meet in the game so far:

  • Bartender

  • Space Witch

  • Local Martian Farmer

  • Space Explorer

  • Astrologer

  • Space Cowboy

  • Cosmic Thief

  • Void Mage

  • Space Fisherman

  • Planetary Guard

  • Traveler

  • Martian Citizen

  • Wealthy Earthian

  • Combat Specialist

  • Pirate Mechanic

  • Botanist

  • Miner

  • Space Trader

  • Arthropodologist

Anyway, until next time space cowboys 🖖


Brewing Magic on Mars: The Game Design


Week In Review