Week In Review

I’m going to be brief but I wanted to update you guys on what I’ve been working on this past week:

  • I’m still reading John Romero’s book. It’s more dense than I had anticipated and it is taking me longer than I thought to read through it. I still find it very fascinating learning about how he and id Software created all those games and it’s inspired me to beef up my programming and game development skills.

  • Did a major update on Space Cats: Rocket Dodge (mobile version). There was a pretty large bug where you could inadvertently toggle both the pause menu and the countdown screen at the same time, thus leading to a Game Over. That’s fixed and so if you haven’t already, go ahead and update that.

  • While looking up some tutorials on Godot, someone recommended the book Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nostrum. So I picked up a copy of that and have been making my way through it. I never, ever, ever thought that I would be found chillin on my couch, reading a programming book 😂

  • Started my massive To Do list for Martian Alchemist. I’ve found I work well when I start making lists for myself. It’s satisfying to check things off as you complete them, plus it provides an organized way of jotting down the things you need to do as you come across them. Especially since I’m prone to come up with ideas in the shower, at night when I’m trying to sleep, while I’m walking my dog, etc. Notes has got to be one of my most used apps lol.

  • Almost finished designing all of Martian Alchemist. I have a massive design doc that I’ve been working on and I’m so glad I'm designing the whole thing first before I start writing code. In this way, I plan to know the end from the beginning and can therefore construct a much better game.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a good week and I’ll see you next time :)




Martian Alchemist